Student Experience at College of San Mateo
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Veterans Day Weekend
November 9-11, 2024
Open Enrollment Begins
November 13, 2024
Thanksgiving Weekend
November 28 - December 1
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Student Experience
Ahmad Albawayah
Ahmad Albawayah San Jose State University, Aviation

After graduation from Hillsdale High School, I decided to attend CSM to finish my general education as soon as possible and at the lowest cost. With the support of the CSM staff and Transfer Services, I earned an associate degree in social science and was able to transfer to San Jose State University as a junior. CSM motivated me to work hard to accomplish my dreams and helped to shape the person that I aspire to be in the future. Throughout the two years that I spent at CSM, I have come closer to attaining my goal of getting a college education which is the perfect and most valuable gift for my family and me; it will be the key to an extraordinary life.