My first semester was a complete blur, as I was getting used to being around students of all ages, finding my way around campus, and jumping through hurdles to get financial support for my studies. A friend suggested that I check out Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS). I honestly feel that this program is what launched the start of a new passion! I remember meeting with my EOPS counselor and figuring out my educational plan. At the time, I had no goal other than to learn business. She explained to me that I should pursue an associate’s degree for transfer. I clearly remember saying transferring wasn’t for me but she said she would mark me down as a transfer student, in case I changed my mind. With that being said, my next two years were planned and all I had to do was register for classes and check them off my list.
As I progressed, I felt I needed more from college so I got involved with a few clubs. I loved being part of the EOPS Club and appreciated the opportunities it gave me. The following semester, I chose to be brave and see if transferring was for me. I joined the Transfer Club and became heavily involved. I learned so much about the transfer process such as the various majors that are offered at four-year universities and CSM’s transfer agreements. With this newfound knowledge, I made transferring my mission. During my final year at CSM, I became president of the Transfer Club.
CSM has a lot of faculty members who truly invest their time in nurturing and encouraging students to develop their plans and ideas. I was involved in three clubs: EOPS Club, Psychology Club, and Transfer Club. My advisors Mike Mitchell, Denise Toomer, Ruth Turner, and Katrina Evasco helped me achieve my goals while I was working to help each club reach theirs. I learned to work as part of a team, to take initiative, and to never be afraid of my mistakes. My proudest moment was when the Transfer Club took 25 students on a tour of four Southern California universities. Thereafter, I was honored by CSM with the Allan R. Brown Outstanding Leadership and Service Award at commencement.
I have transferred to San Jose State University as a major in human resources management. Everything that I have learned at CSM, such as training, developing, and managing, sparked an interest in pursuing a career in human resources. It has also assisted my upward movement at Gap Inc., and you can now find me at Old Navy as the Business Training Specialist. This position directly correlates to my major, as I am responsible for recruiting, training, loss prevention, and safety programs.
As a student at SJSU, I am always proud to talk about CSM and what it offered me. It is more than just a gorgeous campus, it is a college of opportunity. I feel prepared and ready to face what SJSU has to offer and I can’t wait to see where I go after I graduate.