Student Experience at College of San Mateo
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Student Experience
Anthony Frangos
Anthony Frangos UC Berkeley, Economics CSM was the best path I could have taken straight out of high school. I was very unfocused in high school, and wasn’t prepared for a university. CSM was a great place and opportunity to develop myself academically and professionally. I met with my counselor and utilized the Math Resource and Writing Centers, which helped me succeed in my coursework. I became a student ambassador, which helped me get very involved on campus. I took the opportunity to study abroad in Italy which was ended abruptly by COVID-19, but upon my return I was able to represent my student community as the ASCSM Finance Director and volunteer at our emergency food distribution. My most valuable piece of advice for students is to get involved as much as possible because it will enrich your experience at CSM. I am excited to be transferring to UC Berkeley this fall to study Economics.